Before I post my final selections, I want to thank Deb at our Peoria Barnes & Noble for the idea. She's doing this 31 Days of Halloween posts, too, so give that page a follow.
If you go to our local B&N, you'll see my horror book, Rabbit in Red, in the staff recommended section. How cool!
My book references dozens of horror films in a Willy Wonka style adventure. That's why I'm doing this blog.
So, what do I do on Halloween?
First, I give out candy. Have to! Unless you're at a big Halloween party (and even then, you can just go to the party later), I think you HAVE to give out candy. I love it. I'll be dressed as Michael Myers to scare all the children. Hopefully not to many parents complain. But they'll get some great candy in return, and yes, the house is totally decked out in a way that I hope JB from my story would appreciate.
I'd give you the address and invite you over, but that's probably a little creepy. If you're a friend and you know where I live, though, then come on over.
Okay, THE Halloween picks:
This shouldn't surprise you. The first is the best, the best of all the Halloween movies-- in the franchise and literally all of Halloween. Watch it closely, and you'll know that it's from this movie that the title of my book series comes . . . when you see it, take a screenshot and post it on my Facebook page!
Plenty has been said about it, but I'll sum up why I love it in one paragraph:
It's the first horror movie I watched with my Mom. When we first see Michael Myers, he's a little boy, and he murdered his sister. When we see him again later, he's a stalker after Laurie Strode. We haven't learned why. The reason comes later. He's also not exactly supernatural, as far as we can tell. That comes later, too. It's a simple story on Halloween night. A madman after a teenage girl. It's a classic, and it has plenty of scares (the white mask appearing from the dark? The closet scene?). A perfect movie.
My second pick would be:
I was lucky to be able to watch horror as a child, and Halloween was the ultimate movie then. As a teen, it was Scream. Sure, I love the slashers-- I grew up on them! And Wes Craven did something great with this series-- he paid tribute to the slashers, he made fun of them, and he created an original story (with scares, heart, and humor) all at once. It's a perfect combination, and I will ALWAYS love this movie. My perfect Halloween night includes both of these-- my favorite scary movie as a kid and my favorite scary movie as a teen.
The Magnificent Movie Emporium pick (join the movie group by clicking the link if you enjoy discussing your favorite movies!):
My friend Dave runs that group, and he's been awesome to provide me with an extra movie to include for each day. I like variety, of course. So what's Dave's movie pick today?
Why? I'll leave that up to Dave to tell you. Hop on over to the Magnificent Movie Emporium, join the group, and say Happy Halloween.
I truly wish you all a happy Halloween. I hope you've had fun with my blog, whether you've read every single one or if this is your first.
I do hope you'll give my book series a try, too. A lot-- A LOT-- of cool things are happening with it. We were voted #1 best horror book of 2016. The first book is being included in November's Horror Block and is shipping to some 15-16,000 people! (You should subscribe NOW at
I just hope to make my mark on the horror genre, too. It's one I love so much, and I want to be a part of that.
Thanks for following me.
Get Rabbit in Red, the book voted FAVORITE HORROR BOOK OF 2016, today!
You can read it on the app, Tapas!
You can get a signed copy from our Etsy shop.
The audio book is available for those who prefer to listen! Get it on Amazon, Audible, or iTunes!
Follow the author on Facebook or Twitter.
The second book in the series, Burn the Rabbit, is available now, too.