Monday, October 31, 2016

31 of 31 Days of Halloween!

Well, we made it to the last day. I can't believe I actually was able to post 31 entries. It may not seem like much, but it took a lot of time to get all of these posts online. I can't imagine how my friend Bryan at Fitz of Horror, the hottest horror movie page on Facebook, was able to post one movie every single hour this month. Fun, but crazy!

Before I post my final selections, I want to thank Deb at our Peoria Barnes & Noble for the idea. She's doing this 31 Days of Halloween posts, too, so give that page a follow.

If you go to our local B&N, you'll see my horror book, Rabbit in Red, in the staff recommended section. How cool!

My book references dozens of horror films in a Willy Wonka style adventure. That's why I'm doing this blog.

So, what do I do on Halloween?

First, I give out candy. Have to! Unless you're at a big Halloween party (and even then, you can just go to the party later), I think you HAVE to give out candy. I love it. I'll be dressed as Michael Myers to scare all the children. Hopefully not to many parents complain. But they'll get some great candy in return, and yes, the house is totally decked out in a way that I hope JB from my story would appreciate.

I'd give you the address and invite you over, but that's probably a little creepy. If you're a friend and you know where I live, though, then come on over.

Okay, THE Halloween picks:

Image result for Halloween movie

This shouldn't surprise you. The first is the best, the best of all the Halloween movies-- in the franchise and literally all of Halloween. Watch it closely, and you'll know that it's from this movie that the title of my book series comes . . . when you see it, take a screenshot and post it on my Facebook page!

Plenty has been said about it, but I'll sum up why I love it in one paragraph:

It's the first horror movie I watched with my Mom. When we first see Michael Myers, he's a little boy, and he murdered his sister. When we see him again later, he's a stalker after Laurie Strode. We haven't learned why. The reason comes later. He's also not exactly supernatural, as far as we can tell. That comes later, too. It's a simple story on Halloween night. A madman after a teenage girl. It's a classic, and it has plenty of scares (the white mask appearing from the dark? The closet scene?). A perfect movie.

My second pick would be:

Image result for Scream

I was lucky to be able to watch horror as a child, and Halloween was the ultimate movie then. As a teen, it was Scream. Sure, I love the slashers-- I grew up on them! And Wes Craven did something great with this series-- he paid tribute to the slashers, he made fun of them, and he created an original story (with scares, heart, and humor) all at once. It's a perfect combination, and I will ALWAYS love this movie. My perfect Halloween night includes both of these-- my favorite scary movie as a kid and my favorite scary movie as a teen.

The Magnificent Movie Emporium pick (join the movie group by clicking the link if you enjoy discussing your favorite movies!):

My friend Dave runs that group, and he's been awesome to provide me with an extra movie to include for each day. I like variety, of course. So what's Dave's movie pick today?

Image result for Drag me to hell

Why? I'll leave that up to Dave to tell you. Hop on over to the Magnificent Movie Emporium, join the group, and say Happy Halloween.

I truly wish you all a happy Halloween. I hope you've had fun with my blog, whether you've read every single one or if this is your first.

I do hope you'll give my book series a try, too. A lot-- A LOT-- of cool things are happening with it. We were voted #1 best horror book of 2016. The first book is being included in November's Horror Block and is shipping to some 15-16,000 people! (You should subscribe NOW at

I just hope to make my mark on the horror genre, too. It's one I love so much, and I want to be a part of that.

Thanks for following me.

Get Rabbit in Red, the book voted FAVORITE HORROR BOOK OF 2016, today!

Available at Barnes and Noble, online retailers like Amazon, or request a copy from your favorite, local bookstore or library.

You can read it on the app, Tapas!

You can get a signed copy from our Etsy shop.

The audio book is available for those who prefer to listen! Get it on AmazonAudible, or iTunes!

Follow the author on Facebook or Twitter.

The second book in the series, Burn the Rabbit, is available now, too.


Sunday, October 30, 2016

30 of 31 Days of Halloween!

I was challenged by my local Barnes & Noble to develop a list of 31 horror movies to watch, one a day for October. My only problem is that I couldn't pick just one.

For October 30, enjoy the following picks!

Horror Author Joe Chianakas pick-of-the-day:


Image result for Hocus Pocus

On the 2nd to last day of our 31 Days of Halloween, I wanted to pick a couple fun, non-scary movies. For many of us, this is a childhood classic, and it's one that I have to throw on each Halloween season for carefree fun and nostalgia.

Available on: Free Form

Rabbit in Red pick-of-the-day (a movie referenced in my horror series):


Image result for Goosebumps

This was so much fun! I thoroughly enjoyed it. Growing up on RL Stine, it was great to see some of the stories come to life on the big screen. Jack Black makes for a perfect Stine, and the kids are fun, too. Great flick, and family-friendly.

Available on: Netflix

The Magnificent Movie Emporium pick (join the movie group by clicking the link if you enjoy discussing your favorite movies!):


Image result for Creepshow

I watched this all the time as a kid, too. I could recite each: "It's father's day! And I want my cake!" This is a series of short horror that is fun and scary and absolutely perfect 80s King.

Available on: Amazon

Want more? My friend Bryan at Fitz of Horror, the hottest horror movie page on Facebook, is posting favorite movies by the HOUR this month!

Get Rabbit in Red, the book voted FAVORITE HORROR BOOK OF 2016, today!

Available at Barnes and Noble, online retailers like Amazon, or request a copy from your favorite, local bookstore or library.

You can read it on the app, Tapas!

You can get a signed copy from our Etsy shop.

The audio book is available for those who prefer to listen! Get it on AmazonAudible, or iTunes!

Follow the author on Facebook or Twitter.

The second book in the series, Burn the Rabbit, is available now, too.


Saturday, October 29, 2016

29 of 31 Days of Halloween!

I was challenged by my local Barnes & Noble to develop a list of 31 horror movies to watch, one a day for October. My only problem is that I couldn't pick just one.

For October 29, enjoy the following picks!

Horror Author Joe Chianakas pick-of-the-day:


Image result for The Hole

Like a lot of contemporary flicks, this is a modern film that tries to throw back to the teen thrillers of the '80s. And it succeeds! It's scary, exciting, and fun. One I highly recommend!

Available on: Netflix

Rabbit in Red pick-of-the-day (a movie referenced in my horror series):


Image result for The Ring

This is one you have to see without someone spoiling the story for you. It's got mystery, story, a hell of a creepy character, and a fantastically scary ending. LOVE IT!

Available on: Look for it on WGN this weekend

The Magnificent Movie Emporium pick (join the movie group by clicking the link if you enjoy discussing your favorite movies!):


Image result for annabelle

That doll alone makes it worth the watch! It's the prequel to The Conjuring, and although it's not as strong as its parent film, its a fun movie to watch.

Available on: iTunes

Want more? My friend Bryan at Fitz of Horror, the hottest horror movie page on Facebook, is posting favorite movies by the HOUR this month!

Get Rabbit in Red, the book voted FAVORITE HORROR BOOK OF 2016, today!

Available at Barnes and Noble, online retailers like Amazon, or request a copy from your favorite, local bookstore or library.

You can read it on the app, Tapas!

You can get a signed copy from our Etsy shop.

The audio book is available for those who prefer to listen! Get it on AmazonAudible, or iTunes!

Follow the author on Facebook or Twitter.

The second book in the series, Burn the Rabbit, is available now, too.


Friday, October 28, 2016

28 of 31 Days of Halloween!

I was challenged by my local Barnes & Noble to develop a list of 31 horror movies to watch, one a day for October. My only problem is that I couldn't pick just one.

For October 28, enjoy the following picks!

Horror Author Joe Chianakas pick-of-the-day:


Image result for poltergeist

I enjoyed the remake from a couple years ago, but nothing will top this first one. Carol-Anne, that old TV, and THAT tree! The characters in here are great, and all the actors do a wonderful job. It's still freaky as hell.

Available on: HBO

Rabbit in Red pick-of-the-day (a movie referenced in my horror series):


Image result for Let Me In

Is it just me, or are horror flicks that center around creepy children scarier than ones about adults? This one has great child actors, and a terrific story, too. It's a remake, yes, but one the does it right!

Available on: SyFy

The Magnificent Movie Emporium pick (join the movie group by clicking the link if you enjoy discussing your favorite movies!):


Image result for Cabin Fever

This is a gory and memorable flick that will make you want to stay close to civilization on your next trip! What happens when a group goes into the mountains and one gets a hell of an "infection?" 

Available on: HBO

Want more? My friend Bryan at Fitz of Horror, the hottest horror movie page on Facebook, is posting favorite movies by the HOUR this month!

Get Rabbit in Red, the book voted FAVORITE HORROR BOOK OF 2016, today!

Available at Barnes and Noble, online retailers like Amazon, or request a copy from your favorite, local bookstore or library.

You can read it on the app, Tapas!

You can get a signed copy from our Etsy shop.

The audio book is available for those who prefer to listen! Get it on AmazonAudible, or iTunes!

Follow the author on Facebook or Twitter.

The second book in the series, Burn the Rabbit, is available now, too.


Thursday, October 27, 2016

27 of 31 Days of Halloween!

I was challenged by my local Barnes & Noble to develop a list of 31 horror movies to watch, one a day for October. My only problem is that I couldn't pick just one.

For October 27, enjoy the following picks!

Horror Author Joe Chianakas pick-of-the-day:


Image result for The Grudge

I still make that "uhhhhhh" clicky, throat sound today when I feel a little extra creepy (so, you know, pretty much every day). This one's got atmosphere, jumps, and story. A great Halloween flick!

Available on: Look for it to play on AMC

Rabbit in Red pick-of-the-day (a movie referenced in my horror series):


Image result for 28 Days Later

I love a zombie movie with a message, and this has a political story, too. It's terrifying, in both aspects.

Available on: HBO

The Magnificent Movie Emporium pick (join the movie group by clicking the link if you enjoy discussing your favorite movies!):


Image result for Blair Witch Project

When I first saw this, it scared the hell out of me. We didn't have access to the internet in any way similar to what we have today. I left the theater wondering if it was actually real. That's the power of a good found-footage flick, and I still appreciate it today.

Available on: Xfinity on Demand

Want more? My friend Bryan at Fitz of Horror, the hottest horror movie page on Facebook, is posting favorite movies by the HOUR this month!

Get Rabbit in Red, the book voted FAVORITE HORROR BOOK OF 2016, today!

Available at Barnes and Noble, online retailers like Amazon, or request a copy from your favorite, local bookstore or library.

You can read it on the app, Tapas!

You can get a signed copy from our Etsy shop.

The audio book is available for those who prefer to listen! Get it on AmazonAudible, or iTunes!

Follow the author on Facebook or Twitter.

The second book in the series, Burn the Rabbit, is available now, too.


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

26 of 31 Days of Halloween

I was challenged by my local Barnes & Noble to develop a list of 31 horror movies to watch, one a day for October. My only problem is that I couldn't pick just one.

For October 26, enjoy the following picks!

Horror Author Joe Chianakas pick-of-the-day:


Image result for Nightmare on Elm Street

And NOT the remake. It wasn't necessary. Here you've got a classic: the introduction of Freddy, Johnny Depp's first role, Nancy-- oh, Nancy is awesome! What if someone could kill you in your dreams? This is a beginning of one of the best franchises. Hope to see more done with this series, and not just in remakes.

Available on: Look for it on AMC

Rabbit in Red pick-of-the-day (a movie referenced in my horror series):

Image result for wes craven's new nightmare

This one probably gets as much hate as it does love, but I'm in the "love it" camp. Of course, you really need to know the original, and ideally the next couple at least. In this one, the actors play themselves, as does Wes Craven. Basically, it's their imaginations in real life that make Freddy come to life. Freddy is extra creepy here, too. It's fun, creative, and scary.

Available on: Netflix

The Magnificent Movie Emporium pick (join the movie group by clicking the link if you enjoy discussing your favorite movies!):


Image result for Mama

What happens to children when they grow up in the wild? What if there's more to it than that? Add a little something sinister to an animalistic upbringing and you get this wild film!

Available on: Look for it on FX

Want more? My friend Bryan at Fitz of Horror, the hottest horror movie page on Facebook, is posting favorite movies by the HOUR this month!

Get Rabbit in Red, the book voted FAVORITE HORROR BOOK OF 2016, today!

Available at Barnes and Noble, online retailers like Amazon, or request a copy from your favorite, local bookstore or library.

You can read it on the app, Tapas!

You can get a signed copy from our Etsy shop.

The audio book is available for those who prefer to listen! Get it on AmazonAudible, or iTunes!

Follow the author on Facebook or Twitter.

The second book in the series, Burn the Rabbit, is available now, too.


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

25 of 31 Days of Halloween

I was challenged by my local Barnes & Noble to develop a list of 31 horror movies to watch, one a day for October. My only problem is that I couldn't pick just one.

For October 25, enjoy the following picks!

Horror Author Joe Chianakas pick-of-the-day:


Image result for children of the corn

It's the movie that made corn fields scary, and that's not a good thing for a boy growing up in central Illinois (me!). But it sure was effective. There's some absolutely chilling about children in cults killing adults.

Available on: Netflix

Rabbit in Red pick-of-the-day (a movie referenced in my horror series):


Image result for the people under the stairs

I love this movie. You've got a crazy couple who punishes their children for misbehaving (like cutting out a tongue if they speak back) and then they keep them alive literally under their stairs. When a con man and a kid break into the house to steal riches, they get a whole lot more than they asked for. It's a hunt in the middle of a huge, creepy house. Very fun!

Available on: Amazon

The Magnificent Movie Emporium pick (join the movie group by clicking the link if you enjoy discussing your favorite movies!):


Image result for House of Wax

This movie is SO much more fun than I thought it would be. It starts with the typical teens camping o out/on a trip movie, but then it turns into something really creative and creepy. Yes, there is a house of wax, and let's just say things get really HOT!

Available on: Look for it on AMC

Want more? My friend Bryan at Fitz of Horror, the hottest horror movie page on Facebook, is posting favorite movies by the HOUR this month!

Get Rabbit in Red, the book voted FAVORITE HORROR BOOK OF 2016, today!

Available at Barnes and Noble, online retailers like Amazon, or request a copy from your favorite, local bookstore or library.

You can read it on the app, Tapas!

You can get a signed copy from our Etsy shop.

The audio book is available for those who prefer to listen! Get it on AmazonAudible, or iTunes!

Follow the author on Facebook or Twitter.

The second book in the series, Burn the Rabbit, is available now, too.


Monday, October 24, 2016

24 of 31 Days of Halloween

I was challenged by my local Barnes & Noble to develop a list of 31 horror movies to watch, one a day for October. My only problem is that I couldn't pick just one.

For October 24, enjoy the following picks!

Horror Author Joe Chianakas pick-of-the-day:


Image result for Frailty

This is a creepy-ass movie with a main character who thinks God is telling him to murder others. He gets his children involved, too. Messed up, right? Just wait till the ending!

Available on: iTunes

Rabbit in Red pick-of-the-day (a movie referenced in my horror series):


Image result for House horror movie

"Ding Dong. You're dead." Ha-- even the tagline is amazing! This was one of those 80s movies I grew up on, and I could never get enough of it. It's a haunted house tale, but there's more to it than that-- laughs, great characters, genuinely creepy shit happening. I love it.

Available on: Amazon

The Magnificent Movie Emporium pick (join the movie group by clicking the link if you enjoy discussing your favorite movies!):


Image result for The crazies

This is a very intense horror flick, and I've always enjoyed it. Smart, fast-paced, and full of fun: there's not a boring minute in the movie.

Available on: iTunes

Want more? My friend Bryan at Fitz of Horror, the hottest horror movie page on Facebook, is posting favorite movies by the HOUR this month!

Get Rabbit in Red, the book voted FAVORITE HORROR BOOK OF 2016, today!

Available at Barnes and Noble, online retailers like Amazon, or request a copy from your favorite, local bookstore or library.

You can read it on the app, Tapas!

You can get a signed copy from our Etsy shop.

The audio book is available for those who prefer to listen! Get it on AmazonAudible, or iTunes!

Follow the author on Facebook or Twitter.

The second book in the series, Burn the Rabbit, is available now, too.
